



How can Serenity Telecare help me?

If you are seeking medical attention for weight loss, erectile dysfunction, testosterone replacement therapy, medication refill, birth control or minor illness, Serenity Telecare can provide you with quality medical services at a low cost.

Can I do a telemedicine visit if I live in another state?

Serenity Telecare is currently licensed to provide services to residents from Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Maryland. More states coming soon

Do you take insurance

Serenity Telecare is a cash base only at this time. We do not accept insurance

Which payment options do you accept at Serenity Telecare

Serenity Telecare accepts cash and credit/debit cards. Your payment is expected at the time of service.

How much does it cost for a visit?

The cost of a visit varies, depending on the type of care you request and your health plan design. We accept all major credit cards and debit cards. Serenity Telecare may change pricing at any time for any reason

Where can I find info on pricing?

Pricing for medical services can be found when you click and select the type of service or when you  click “BOOK NOW” button which will take you to our electronic booking system where prices are listed.

Do I have to sign a contract or pay in advance?

Treatment consent forms and payment must be made prior to consultation

Do I need a prescription?

If you’re eligible for treatment, our medical team will issue you a private prescription.

How are prescriptions sent?

If the provider prescribes medication, it is submitted electronically or by phone to the pharmacy of your choice.

Does my insurance cover GLP-1 medications?

Some insurances cover GLP-1 medication. Patients are advised to call insurance prior to consult for better explanation of coverage based on individual plans.

Is the medication included in the consultation fee?

No. Patient can either use their insurance or pay out of pocket for medications prescribed

What happens if my video chat is disconnected during my virtual visit?

If you are disconnected, the provider will attempt to connect with you again. If we cannot reconnect, schedule another visit when you can. You are not charged for a visit until we give you a treatment plan.

Can I cancel or reschedule my visit?

Thank you so much for telling us when you cannot make it. You can cancel from the email or text we send to confirm your visit.

Are there any age restrictions for Serenity Telecare visit?

Yes we only see patients 18 years and above

Do you offer translation services?

We do not offer any translator services at this time.

Will my information be kept private?

Serenity Telecare registration and services are HIPAA compliant. We follow strict patient and provider confidentiality agreements to keep your personal information safe. All connections are secure. Your visit is never recorded: neither audio nor video. Review our Terms of use and privacy policy for more information.