

Serenity Telecare participates with electronic prescribing directly to your mail order and local pharmacies. Our goal is to assist our patients with prescription requests in an efficient and timely manner.

Refill limited to medication for hypertension, cholesterol and oral diabetes medication

Our board-certified provider can renew your prescription(s) after meeting with you and answering any additional questions. Please be informed that Serenity Telecare cannot replace your primary care physician. Serenity Telecare provider cannot start a regimen of maintenance medication and require proof of recent prescription for all refills. 
Our Provider also generally cannot increase the initial dosage of a particular medication. For your safety, we limit refills to no more than 90 days within a six-month period. The decision to provide a refill and the quantity is at the discretion of the provider. Be sure to share any recent information you have about your condition that can help facilitate your refill

Your request can only apply to prescriptions you’re already taking.

Narcotic pain relievers and controlled substances regulated by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency or regulated under State law, will not be prescribed or renewed by our provider. If you are interested in a particular prescription, but are unsure if it is able to be e-prescribed, please review our prescription policy before requesting an online consultation.

What happens after I request my prescription refill?

Your prescription will be sent to your chosen pharmacy within 24 hours. Please make sure correct information for medication and pharmacy is provided.

Refill Option

Refill (1 Medication) $39
Refill (2 medication) $ 59
Refill (3 Medication) $79
Refill (4 Medication) $100