

Testosterone deficiency is the most common contributor to ED symptoms.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy is an ongoing treatment that optimizes Testosterone levels to reduce
symptoms like erectile dysfunction and loss of libido – in the long-term.

A simple blood test is the best way to check your hormone levels. We will issue a lab requisition.
Our physician can then review the results with you and create a customized treatment plan if hormone replacement is warranted.

Our goal is to optimize your testosterone levels to the highest quartile in the reference range rather wait for you to drop below 300 ng/dL. More importantly, we go by your clinical presentation and how you feel. This will help you reach your optimal health and set you up for success.
We practice evidence-based medicine. We are all about optimal health and improving your wellbeing so you can be the best version of yourself.


What is Testosterone

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.
In male humans, testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as testes and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics like increased muscle and bone mass. The below are just some of the symptoms you might experience if you do have low testosterone levels.

Testosterone replacement therapy focuses on improving your symptoms. 
Testosterone impacts more than your muscles and sex drive; it can affect your physiology,
and relationships. Maintaining healthy levels of testosterone can provide benefits in all aspects of life.
Low testosterone levels, on the other hand, can negatively impact you in ways you might not have realized.
Elevate your sex drive, stamina and performance. With physician-led testosterone therapy that is safe,
fast and convenient for men. Low Testosterone Symptoms

Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy can expect to experience:


Increases sex drive, endurance during intercourse, increases desire for intimacy & maintains a healthy prostate. Improves mood, Improves confidence, Memory function Focus & cognition.


Improves Muscle growth, muscle strength, physical endurance and enhances abdominal fat loss.


Normal Heart Rythm, Lower Cholesterol & Decreases Blood Pressure.


Increases Bone Density, Red Blood Cell Production & strengthens Ligaments / Tendons


Collagen Growth, Healthier Skin & Hair, also reduces Wrinkles.



What is ED

• Inability to have an erection at any time, either alone or with a sexual partner
• Softer erections 
• Erections that don’t last long enough for “satisfactory” sex
• Change in the angle of your erection
• Reduce penile sensitivity

Causes of ED

• Hypogonadism
• High cholesterol
• Diabetes
• Hypertension
• Sleep disorders
• Heart disease
• Hormone issues
• Depression
• Medications 

Certain medications can also cause ED, including antidepressants,
blood pressure pills, and heartburn medications.
Psychological or emotional issues can also contribute,
as well as behavioral factors like smoking.

When should I see a healthcare provider for ED?
When you’re often having trouble getting or maintaining an erection.
A provider may prescribe medications that can help.

What’s the fastest way to cure ED?
The first step in treating Erectile Dysfunction is to check testosterone and estrogen levels via routine lab work. If considered necessary, your doctor will balance these hormones to healthy levels using testosterone therapy. This important step usually helps resolve sexual dysfunction for many men. Medications are a quick way to help men with ED get and maintain an erection. But you’ll also want to identify and address any potential underlying causes, which may be related to stress, medical conditions, medications, or lifestyle factors. 

Testosterone deficiency is the most common contributor to ED symptoms.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy is an ongoing treatment that optimizes.
Testosterone levels to reduce symptoms like erectile dysfunction and loss of libido – in the long-term.